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List of impersonal verbs

This is a list of impersonal verbs in Icelandic. Most impersonal verbs take a dative subject, but some take an accusative subject.


dreymato dream
furðato be surprised
grunato suspect
hrylla við (+dat.)to convulse at, feel sick at
hungrato be hungry
kitlato feel ticklish
klæjato itch
langato want, desire, long for
minnato recall
skortato be short on
svimato feel dizzy
vantato need, lack
þyrstato be thirsty


batnato get better, recover
bera (modal verb)ought to, should
blæðato bleed
bregðato be startled, jump
dugato be enough, do, suffice
finnastto find, think
ganga (vel/illa)to do (well/badly)
gagnastto be of use to
hentato suit
heppnastto succeed
hlýnato get warm
kólnato get cold
leiðastto be/get bored
líðato feel (physically)
líka (við +acc.)to get on with, like
lítast á (+acc.)to think of, make of
ljúkato finish, end
misheppnastto fail
misheyrastto mishear
mistakastto fail
nýtastto be of use to
nægjato be enough, suffice
sárnato hurt, be sore
seinkato be late, get delayed
skánato get slightly better
skiljastto be of the understanding
takastto succeed, manage
versnato get worse
þykjato seem, consider