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List of middle voice verbs

This is a list of middle voice🇮🇸 miðmynd verbs in Icelandic. The list is organised by function.

Reciprocal meaning

berjastto fight
eigast viðto fight/brawl
elskastto love/make love
faðmastto hug
fljúgast áto fight
friðmælastto make up
giftastto marry
haldast í hendurto hold hands
heilsastto greet/say hello
heyrastto hear from
hittastto meet
hjálpast aðto help out
hvíslast áto whisper
kveðjastto say goodbye
kynnastto get to know, meet for the first time
kyssastto kiss
leiðastto hold hands
metastto quarrel/argue
munnhöggvastto feud
mætastto meet
rekast áto run into, bump into
rífastto argue
sameinastto merge
skarastto overlap
skiptast áto exchange/swap
skrifast áto write to
skylmastto battle (with swords)
slástto fight
snertastto touch
stangast áto clash
stimpastto brawl
sættastto make up
takast áto compete
takast í hendurto shake hands
talast viðto talk (be on talking terms)
trúlofastto get engaged
tuskastto fight
þekkjastto know

Reflexive meaning

afvopnastto disarm oneself
bjóðast tilto offer one’s help
búast tilto prepare oneself for
dulbúastto disguise oneself
flytjastto move house
færast undanto get oneself out of, shirk
gefast uppto give up
innritastto register (for school)
klæðastto wear
komastto make it, get somewhere
krefjastto demand
laumastto sneak
leggjastto lie down
matastto dine
meiðistto get hurt
segjastto claim, purport
setjastto sit down
slasastto get injured
venjastto get used to
verjastto protect oneself

Verbs that change meaning

búa viðto live with, havebúast viðto expect
farato gofarastto pass away (die)
finnato findfinnastto find (as in mér finnst gaman að…)
flækjato complicateflækjastto get caught in/wander about
gerato dogerastto happen
koma aðto participate in/walk in onkomast aðto find out
látato letlátastto pass away (die)
minna áto remind ofminnast áto mention
skjótato shootskjótastto pop (somewhere), walk quickly
standato standstandastto withstand, stand up to
sýnato showsýnastto seem
takato taketakastto succeed
þykjato seem/thinkþykjastto pretend
þrífato cleanþrífastto thrive
þvælato talk nonsenseþvælastto wander about

Verbs that exist only in the middle voice

This list can never be exhaustive, as it’s possible to form new middle voice-only verbs from nouns or adjectives. These are some of the most common.

asnastto do something stupid
atvikastto happen (by chance)
ábyrgjastto take on, become responsible for
eignastto acquire, have (a child), make (a friend)
ferðastto travel
grínastto joke
hagnastto profit
nálgastto approach
ofmetnastto get cocky, become arrogant
óttastto fear
rembastto struggle
slysastto chance, do something by accident
tárastto tear up, well up
veðrastto become weathered
þrjóskastto be stubborn
þyrpastto crowd, throng, cram
öðlastto gain, obtain